About Us

Quarterly "Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies" (in Polish: "Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne") is a well-known journal, which has an acknowledged scientific reputation. It is co-opublished by the Board of the Polish Association of Political Science. At the same the Committee on Political Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences gives its support and patronage. Editorial strategy relies on cooperation of all leading political science research centers from all around the country.


The idea of "Athenaeum" is to consolidate Polish political science researchers. Hope to create a complete journal in the substantive context, but also a journal that is catalyzing research within the field of political science in its broad sense, is the foundation for this initiative. Its priority purpose is thus to ensure efficient communication among Polish political science researchers and to create opportunities for more often participation of Polish political science at the international forum for the exchange of ideas. Founders and members of the Editorial Board are aware of the uniqueness of Polish history of the last sixty years, which can and should become a valuable experience for political science outside the borders of our country.

"Athenaeum" opens its columns to both - recognized and widely respected experts in political science, as well as to young researchers, who are unknown and just begin their adventure with science. Thanks to the journal they may present their scientific achievements. What connects the two categories of authors is the high substantive level of their articles. Relevant rule in the "Athenaeum" is the comprehensive, multilevel and highly accurate control system of received articles.

English Edition

"Athenaeum" has rich experiences and noticeable successes in the development of political science in Poland. Currently, the priority goal is to introduce and to popularize considerable achievements of Polish political science at the international forum for the exchange of ideas, as well as to publish the latest and most important research results and to facilitate scientific cooperation of Polish and foreign scholars. For this reason in 2011 "Athenaeum", apart from four standard quarterly issues, published also two additional volumes, fully translated into English. Articles in that volumes has been specially selected from texts rated highest by the Editorial Board and independent reviewers. These articles present the latest and the most significant, regarding the whole discipline, achievements of Polish political science, as well as are undertaking discourse with international subject literature. These volumes are financed under the "index Plus" Programme constituted by the Minister of Science and Higer Education on November 8, 2010. Since 2013 every fourth volume of "Athenaeum" in a year is published in English.

© Athenaeum. Polish Political Science Studies
Batorego 39L, 87-100 Torun; e-mail: